India is the most populated country in the world with 1.4 billion people. It has one of the youngest populations globally. A fifth of the world’s youth demographic is in India and this population advantage could play a critical role in achieving the nation’s ambitious target to become a US $ 5 trillion economy. India’s large youth population offers both a workforce as well as a market. These young people are driving a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and diversity.
With a view to capitalise on this demographic dividend, the Government of India has come up with an initiative named “YUVA Tourism” to create awareness among the youths about India’s natural and cultural heritage through tourism. As part of this initiative Tourism Clubs would be formed in educational institutions.
Click here to know more about this initiative and the guidelines.
Travel for life for sustainable tourism
Travel for life calendar for sustainable tourism
Guidelines for Travel for LiFE Case Study Competition – Tourism for Tomorrow